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Sounds good. Here are the games I have available to give away.
Half Life 2
Natural Selection 2
Landmark (Closed Beta Access)I actually have a lot more but I haven’t gone through my bundles yet to see which ones I don’t want. I’ll update the list later.
Well it kinda was our new game for awhile. Just didn’t have the lasting effect that Rust had.
Seriously though… I think H1Z1 COULD be that game.. Possibly. I have really been enjoying it. Base got raided
Rust all over again, haha.
*Glances at Stranded Deep*
I know how you feel. Remember the good old days when all we had ever played together was Rust? Simpler times… Now it seems like we’re onto a new game every other week.
Time for a new case ;P j/k
And maybe even a third CPU fan 😀
UMM NO. Raxus and I played for a couple hours and I got about 4 kills. Killed everyone we stumbled across until Raxus died and I was alone and two guys ganked me.
PS – Brandon is a chode.
Most of the zombie survival games are very similar overall. Like you said, find food and weapons, kill zombies, avoid players. You’ll just find they all have a different feel to them. I haven’t tried H1Z1 yet but it seems much more forgiving than DayZ.
I only got mine to prolong the life of my CPU. Maybe one day I’ll decide to overclock, but for now I’m happy.
Interesting that you positioned it vertically. I never thought of that. Or does your case not have a rear fan?
Hahaha, haha, hah, ha.
Just installed my CPU cooler today along with the two “optional” fans. Optional? I think not…
System now has 12 fans total… 7 Case fans, 3 CPU fans, 2 GPU fans.
Having two keyboards and two mice got a little confusing at times…
Yeah same here. Although I heard the “Pay to win” option is only available on 100+ player servers, in which case it wouldn’t affect me. But I don’t feel like paying for a free game.