Breaking Point

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  MotorcycleGoat 10 years ago.

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    Loving the Breaking Point mod for Arma III. Very much like DayZ but 1000x more loot to find so jumping in for some quick PVP is always easy.

    Here I am perched on a rock waiting for unsuspecting players to come loot the crashed chopper.






    Correction: “Here I am perched on a rock waiting for unsuspecting players to come loot the crashed chopper So I can miss them.



    UMM NO. Raxus and I played for a couple hours and I got about 4 kills. Killed everyone we stumbled across until Raxus died and I was alone and two guys ganked me.

    PS – Brandon is a chode.



    I have Breaking Point installed and Wasteland too! I also created the [m]`suckapunch squad xml file. All this does in Arma is add a clan tag to your name in the player list (if you have the [m]’ already in your player name, then it would be duplicated) and it also adds a logo to the side of any vehicle you are in.

    If you guys want to use the squad thing, send me your in game names and player ID from Arma in a Steam msg. I will add it to the squad and send you the link to put in your player profile in game.

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