Friday was sure a roller coaster of a ride for the Rust community. With all the updates and wipes and server restarts… it was very frustrating. As of now, 4am on Saturday, things feel pretty OK. There are several servers that may not have updated at this point causing them to have a zero population count or not be listed in the server list at all.
The door lock bug is fixed; on server restarts the locks don’t disappear. Though, I did hear that you may have short term memory loss after a server restart and need to enter your codes for your doors to unlock them; just that first time though. You should remember them again after that. Animals are broken. Like… severely broken. They don’t move. You can kill and harvest them as usual, but they are anchored to their coordinates. The aggressive animals (wolf and bear) cause you no harm. Go ahead… pet one… I dare ya.
Ferns. Ferns were added. As a warning though, at night in the snow a silhouetted fern looks a lot like a giant ass spider creepin’ around. Caught me off-guard a couple times tonight.
Building and demolition is unchanged. As is the ‘Used to Gather Resources’ tool. Really? Someone couldn’t take like 2 minutes to enter the proper name. Seems to me this was changed on purpose from the ‘Stone Hatchet’ to ‘Used to Gather Resources’ for a reason… I’ll be damned if I know what it is though.
I’m hoping that at this point we can run until at least next Friday without an update or wipe on the server.
Goodnight…err… morning? Whatever.