Thoughts on zombies, and 'heat'

Home Forums 7 Days to Die Tips, Tricks & Suggestions Thoughts on zombies, and 'heat'

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  MotorcycleGoat 10 years, 2 months ago.

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    Since the Alpha 10 release, zombies are attracted by certain kinds of activity, that ‘heat’ up a place, and if they can’t walk or climb to the center of that ‘heat’, they’ll dig to it. The ‘hotter’ the spot (the more heat producing activity) the more they are attracted to it. If the zombies have a choice between heat centers, they’ll go to the hotter one.

    Activities that (probably) heat up a place – zombies dying, campfires, mining, forges(?), cutting trees, dropping a sleeping bag, even farms might (before the latest update, I found a zombie standing in the center of my wasteland cornfield). Some activities seem to generate more heat than others, and the faster a particular activity is done, the more heat it seems to generate. I expect building would too, but not sure to what degree.

    Eating, drinking, using boxes, walking upright – those don’t seem to generate heat. They’ll generate noise that the zombie hordes might pick up on, but during the day it’s not a big deal.



    We were just discussing this morning about whether forging and cooking at bedrock was immune to heat sensing zombies. I dont think it is immune. I think the prime setup is to forge and cook in a separate location from your sleeping and storage base.

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