Safe guard valuables when logged off

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Project 10 years, 3 months ago.

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    I have experimented with the logging system a bit, and have found an almost for sure way to keep all those hard earned goodies of yours, even after a raid on your well thought out home/base, when logged off. Simply swim out to a decent level of water, not so shallow you can be seen easily but not too deep that you can’t touch the bottom and swim back to the surface without dying. I like to chose an area near or in the center of rocks myself. Staying above the surface of the water, simply log off. Upon your return to Rust, you will notice your character sleeping peacefully at the bottom of the ocean, lake, or river you have chosen. Simply wake up and speed to the surface! You will not drown or take any damage while logged off and normally will not have been found or killed either! Best part of this neat little trick is you can do it close to home if you live near water, or while out doing some gathering/raiding of your own, and just need a quick break. So stock up that inventory before you log and enjoy more quality time with your goods between wipes! Until it’s patched anyway 😉 Lol. Game on all!



    Hacks ;D

    Thanks for the tip! Do you start losing health as soon as you see the sleeping screen? Or does it not register you’re under water until you hit “Wake Up”?



    Nope. You can literally watch yourself sleep under the sea indefinitely :p lol. Once you hit Wake Up, it will be as if you just entered the water!



    Nice! Merman, here I come.

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