PC Issues [SOLVED]

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Project 10 years, 2 months ago.

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    Ok, the title may be a bit of an exaggeration… I’m still stuck with my POS computer with only 2gb of RAM now that I had two slots fail on me. But I may have discovered why those slots failed in the first place. To be honest, I’m lucky I didn’t fry my whole computer. Also, last night my computer kept going into what I can only describe as hibernation mode, but wouldn’t come out of it.

    After taking the side panel off my computer, re-seating the RAM and booting it up, I noticed a bright flash from the corner of my eye. Thinking it was just my hangover kicking in, I tried it again, when I noticed this.

    I’ve had this thing so long, I can’t remember for the life of me why, but at one point I had to splice some wires, twist them together, and wrap them in electrical tape. Apparently that wasn’t a good idea. (That’s not supposed to be black, FYI)

    Luckily I have a truck stocked full of electrical supplies.

    I even took the opportunity to clean out the winter coat my CPU Heat Sink had grown over the year.

    I was hoping after fixing the power connections, maybe my other RAM slots would come back to life… No such luck. I just hope that 4 pin connector holds up after being charbroiled.



    Oh my word. That is quite a winter coat. Yea, I think its time for a new PC, Project.



    I can feel the satisfaction of taking the winter coat off.



    So satisfying.

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