Modded Minecraft server is LIVE

Home Forums Minecraft News & Updates Modded Minecraft server is LIVE

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Project 9 years, 11 months ago.

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    Check out the connection information HERE. You’ll need to request a whitelist add if you want to connect. We are running with a whitelist to keep down on the griefers messing up peoples stuff. Remember, when requesting a whitelist that you need to make clear what your Minecraft player name is… so, we know which name to add.

    This server is running the Infinity Mod Pack 1.7 (v.1.2.1) from Feed The Beast. This version was just released a couple of days ago. You can investigate this mod pack with the developers FTB, at their site, HERE. This pack has TONS of things you can play with. From advanced machines, to virtual in-game computers, magic, agriculture… etc. They call it Infinity for a reason.

    Currently all the mods and their configurations are default. I am not too familiar with each of the mods and what options they have. So, if there is a particular configuration item you want to have changed, let us know. We can research the changes and make a decision on if that’s a direction we want to go.



    How does one mine crafts?



    Take a pickaxe to your local craft store and start whacking the floor… you’ll starting mining crafts soon. Which you can then sell for bail money.




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