Life is Feudal

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This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Project 9 years, 10 months ago.

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    Who wants to go in on a four pack? $20/ea



    What about Reign of Kings?



    I’m pretty sure Reign of Kings is better than life is feudal. I’m sort of edged away from project’s recommendations since we never play them. (The weird survival game, the one mmo, H1Z1)



    Weird Survival Game? And for your information, H1Z1 is a great game. You’re missing out! Ask Goat.



    Does Reign of Kings have everything Life is Feudal has? I figured it was just a medieval combat game



    I think this might be the best game I have purchased on Steam! The possibilities are endless, and it is very refined, considering that it’s still in development. I find it difficult to become bored with this game. My main problem is that I’m alone on the server. I have built a small town by myself, but I’d love to have someone to play with…



    Hey Vlad. A few of us had played the game not long ago but we seemed to get stuck in a sense once we got to the point where we needed flux. I shouldn’t say stuck, but, we found it to be way too much of a grind to obtain it. Can I ask how you went about it? Is it just something you need to be patient with and collect herbs all day long?



    Herbalism is a bit tough because there are 66 herbs, each with 3 properties, and the properties are different for every player. Of course, flux is the most desirable of the herbalism products, so our primary objective is finding the herbs that create flux for each of us. There are 11 herbs out of the 66 that create flux. For me, since I was alone on the server until yesterday, I had no choice but to collect herbs and systematically pair them up until I found the right ones. The best way to do it is to try random pairs until you find a pair of herbs that create flux, and then start pairing unknown herbs with your known flux herbs. This is really the only method if you are by yourself. However, if you are part of a group, it becomes much easier, and the fact that the herbs have different properties for each player really works to your advantage. Once you’ve figured out the herbs that make flux for each of you, the group can harvest herbs and then trade for the useful ones. You maximize your flux yield this way, and you should end up with a lot of flux relatively quickly. The large amount of herbs that you collect that are useless to you (in terms of flux production) will help your buddies create more flux for the group, so it’s really efficient. I believe the developers were trying to encourage teamwork when it comes to herbalism. I sincerely wish that I had other players to trade with when I was getting the flux for the door locks on my house. I can tell you that I was able to discover the flux herbs in a single night, and I now have a warehouse filled with all the other herbs, so that others may use them. Last night, a new player joined me in my village, and I gave him access to my stockpile of herbs. He discovered 10 of his 11 flux herbs in less than an hour. Once you figure out the right herbs, things go much more quickly, and you start recognizing which ones you need to retain as you collect them. You have a 1 in 6 chance to get a good herb, and the rest can be used to make flux by others. So, in summary, it can seem like a huge grind at first, but it becomes quite manageable when you have multiple people gathering together. Feel free to stop by my village and work on your herbalism, guys!



    Sounds good, will probably check it out this weekend. We have a mine up on the NW side of the mountain by the lake. Feel free to use it. There is some iron at the end of it.

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