Cooking and Smelting Ore

Home Forums Rust Tips, Tricks & Suggestions Cooking and Smelting Ore

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Project 10 years, 3 months ago.

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    When cooking that delicious wolf steak, use no less than 60 wood and no more than 70. If you put more wood than 70, and aren’t paying attention, it will burn the meat and will be useless to you. Its always best to just put 60 wood in the campfire so you don’t have to watch it like a hawk.

    PRO-TIP — Place 3 wolf steaks in at a time. This will cook all 3 steaks for 60 wood and produce no charcoal.

    When smelting ore, especially metal, you can smelt multiple stacks at a time. Just like in the campfire, you can arrange the materials in your furnace to produce no charcoal. Its more efficient and produces metal fragments much quicker. If you have some metal fragments to begin with, place one or more metal frags in one of the furnace slots. Next, place your wood for burning in an empty slot. Finally, separate your metal ore into 4 equal stacks and place in the 4 remaining empty slots. Ignite. You will cook your metal ore four times as fast, produce no waste and use less wood. If you don’t have any metal fragments yet. Go ahead and place some wood and some ore into the furnace and ignite. Once you have a metal fragment smelted, remove the charcoal and organize as above.

    This works for sulfur ore as well, but typically you want to produce SOME charcoal with your sulfur smelting so that you have the two products needed for crafting gun powder.



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    Good tip, Goat! Smelting ore this way saves me a lot of time – the smelting goes faster, and since it uses less wood I don’t have to play lumberjack as often.

    I’ve been splitting the sulfur ore into two stacks, that seems to produce charcoal at about the same rate as sulfur.



    No like button, but there should be. ;P



    Goat where’s the cred? Lol JK 😛



    Goat loves to steal credit from others… You know the person they modeled the Rust Character from? All Goat. (Or so he says)

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